WI Catholic Musings
Thoughts on important things, not so important things, favorite things, and not so favorite things with a place to finally put them.
About Me
- Name: WI Catholic
- Location: Wisconsin, United States
Catholic, Mom to three, Grandmom to Eight (#8 due late November). Photo: Two Shall Become ONE
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Previous Posts
- Letter to the Catholics of Ireland, 19 March 2010,...
- New twist on Dr. Seuss:
- Bobby Schindler: Enough Is Enough!
- Pro-Life Advocates Remember Terri Schiavo Five Yea...
- U.S. Study Finds Doctors May Be Euthanizing Dying ...
- Oklahoma House Passes Pro-Life Bills by Massive Ma...
- HBU Presents An Evening with Archbishop Chaput: "T...
- The Anchoress-- Murphy Case: NYT Never Talked to J...
- Setting the record straight in the case of abusive...
- National Doctors Group Files Lawsuit Against Pro-A...
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Friday, April 02, 2010
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