Saturday, October 24, 2009


Fr Bill Casey.

Fr Bill Casey speaks plainly about superficial preaching, and quotes JPII...

I have to agree, sadly. I have watched it for years. He mentions two generations, going on the third... and again, I have to agree. MY generation, my children's, and going on into my grandchildren's...

One example:
One weekend in three years, the readings deal with Marriage, divorce, and remarriage. One time in the cycle of Sunday readings. On that weekend, the topic is avoided, or hardly mentioned in the Churches that I have been in--and those of my friends/family that are asked about the homily for that weekend.

One weekend in three years that the topic of INDISSOLUBILITY of Marriage could/should be preached, but isn't. One weekend in three years that the 'Grave Sin' of Divorce should be mentioned, but isn't. One weekend in three years that Adultery should be mentioned, and condemned...but isn't.

Second example:
Abortion and 'pro-choice' Catholics. Recently, another of the Kennedy's spoke out against the Bishops. The false teaching that was given to them (and to many others) by the likes of Fr Charles Curran NEEDED to be countered by TRUTH long ago, and desparately needs it today.

Many may end up in Hell for not having been taught Truth.

God bless!

That means... many will


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