Sunday, December 30, 2007

Leah Feldstein Letter Seventy Years Old (Thoenebooks)

For the readers of Brock and Bodie Thoene books, the names of Leah Feldstein (she played the cello) and Tikvah, (her infant daughter raised by Rachel and Moshe Sachar after Leah and her husband had died in Israel) are well known. Lori Kalner, also...

Her daughter has letters written by the real Leah Feldstein, and shares one written seventy years ago today, Dec 30, 2007. Follow the links below to read the full posts at their blog.

One statement in that letter ECHOES loudly today, if one knows of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem from back then, and remembers the current and frequently uttered words of the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Her words:

There is rumor that the Nazis who vow to destroy us all
have made an unholy alliance with the Islamists.

Together they vow they will not rest until all Jews are destroyed.

  • 12/28/2007 - Leah Feldstein

    There is a second letter from another on the blog from Lori Kalner, also worth reading!

    From HER letter:

    The great spiritual battle faced by Christians during the time when the constitution of Germany was being destroyed by LAW,
    began as an economic persecution. The Jewish community was hit first.
    Then harassment of true Christians in Germany began as members
    of the religious establishment joined the leaders of the country
    in order to crush those who truly served Christ.
    It was clearly about gaining the property of
    Christians and Jews
    before the persecution became a battle of idealology.

    Ultimately, those who truly served Christ were faced with constant betrayal from those who served MONEY.

    Is this different today in 2007? I think not.

  • Rejoice and be Glad...
  • 12/29/2007 - Lori Kalner

    Remember that both of these women have lived this....

    I highly recommend the ZION series by Bodie and Brock! ALL of them in the ZION Covenant, ZION Chronicles, and ZION Legacy series, as well as the Shiloh books.... oh, just read them! LOL.

    God bless!!



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