Monday, August 21, 2006

Request for Info

Mom and I were talking this weekend. Mom's memory is not good for short term, but her memory for long term is usually pretty 'right on' yet. Mine on the other hand... we won't go there.

They are working on our road, putting in a nice cement one. About four days into the work, I called the Post Office, to find out what had happened to my pay check that SHOULD have come on Sat, and no later than Mon (this is three weeks ago, or maybe four now...)The man called back and left a message for me that 'they' had decided 'not to deliver while the road construction is going on'.

I did NOT say..... Gee, thanks. I am now late for rent, have to pay extra, and it would have been nice to have been notified LONG before Wed that this was happening....

So we have had to be creative in order to get my check, because we never know if it is coming on Sat, (when it is supposed to) or Mon. If Sat (which has not happened for quite awhile now, though the other people who work for the same company generally do get it on Sat --same town), it is fantastic. BUT, if Mon--I work in a city nearly an hour away, at the prison there, and do not get out of work until four thirty pm, if all goes well, and start at eight am.

OH, and it takes at LEAST a week or more to have mail forwarded to Mom's address.

Post Office is open: 8:30 til 4:45.

Bet you can get the picture, huh? If I can't get someone to pick up my mail on Mon, I don't get my pay check until Saturday, a week late.

So, Mom and I were talking about how mail delivery has changed over the years, and in the course of our conversation, both of us were trying to remember the old slogan about mail getting through. We couldn't remember it!

SO, can any of you??

If so, it will make ME feel better. Mom probably won't remember the conversation, but it is simply bugging me.... HELP!!

God bless!


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