Sunday, March 26, 2006

Dr Bob Begins with Fiction, then Speaks Reality...

I have wanted to draw attention to these, but never got around to it until tonight. Dr Bob, of The Doctor Is In, has written a scenario that begins with a 'look back' from a time in the future (August 6, 2008)....something to think about, something to pray about, something that could happen...

Apollyon Appears-I:
Looking Back

Apollyon Appears-II
The False Prophet

He continues...and ends with:

We are daily told we are in a war on terror. We are not–we are in a war with Islam. It is not a war we declared, or wanted, but an ancient war now declared on us. It is imperative that we speak plainly about this, setting aside the soft sentimentalities which fear offending anyone. There will, of course, be hollers of protest by the usual suspects; these must be ignored, and answered firmly, with truth, and history, and fact, not wishful thinking and weak apologies.

The Prophet has told us his plans, his vision of a world at peace. It is a false peace, from a false prophet–yet his faithful followers pursue it to the gates of death, and we are their targets. The hour is late–it is dangerous to sleep.

Apollyon Appears-III
The Core

It just gets better.... Dr Bob speaks a reality most do not want to see....

The Pornography of Ideas

And in this one, he responds to a long comment he had gotten after Apollyon Appears-III.

Very good, and a lot of hard work went into these four posts.

Oh, and for good measure, he also points us to Michael J Totten's "'The Head of the Snake".


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