Thursday, November 17, 2005

Good news Court decision

Kansas City, MO, Fox News just said that a decision has been made that it is constitutional for parents to be able to sue someone who takes their minor daughter for an abortion without their consent. Good news.

They cannot give kids Tylenol for a headache without parental consent, pierce their ears, do a T&A, or anything else, but they CAN do surgery (D&C or any other form of abortion=--duh, hey, that is SURGERY...with all the resultant possible complications of any surgery up to and including death...) just because she is pregnant? And what about the fathers of those babies? What happens if they are older, with a young girl (incest, pedophile, etc) ... he gets off scott free, in spite of it's being illegal to have sex with a minor.

Will update this later, and edit it if it needs to be edited.


Blogger BlondeBlogger said...

It was rumored that our high school sociology teacher (who was ultra liberal and broke all the rules to teach us about sex and his liberal agenda...and he later died of AIDS), would take teens to get abortions.

So glad these parents now have the right to sue such people!

Thursday, November 17, 2005 at 1:57:00 PM CST  
Blogger Christina Dunigan said...

This is wonderful, wonderful news! God willing, other states will follow suit.

Thursday, November 17, 2005 at 4:16:00 PM CST  
Blogger WI Catholic said...

Yes, it is. But I have not found it online to know exactly what they said. Just now, they said this will end up in the US Supreme Court. So we pray that when it does, we have good decisions from the sitting justices.

Welcome, Granny Grump!

God bless you!

Write Wing,

I think that happens OFTEN and in many places. Sadly.

Thursday, November 17, 2005 at 4:31:00 PM CST  

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