Friday, September 02, 2005

HUSH, LITTLE FETUS... by Jill Stanek, RN

Jill Stanek, RN worked in a hospital where late term abortions were done, and learned that dying babies were put into a dirty utility room to die alone when born alive during an abortion, and she later testified about this, then was fired for being outspoken about it, and is now a very active voice for the unborn. She was invited by President Bush for the signing of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.

Her latest article is another on the ridiculous 'findings' recently about fetal pain, or 'LACK of a group of 'professionals'... but with a vested interest in the abortion industry.

Their 'findings' state that fetuses do not feel pain until late in the pregnancy..... something that is a gross figment of someone's imagination or wishful thinking. Anyone who has ever taken care of a premie can verify that they do not know what they are talking about. Touch itself, much less a needle can alter their vital signs, and cause distress! During abortion, it is much more than touch! It is a tearing apart, ripping apart, cutting apart of a human being.... but those invested in the abortion industry would rather we not think about that when we think about those 'fetuses', those 'products of conception', those unwanted 'blobs of tissue'.... those tiny pre-born babies...

Jill Stanek, RN cites other reports that clearly show the truth about babies and pain.... and which changed the way neonatal intensive care units and the doctors and nurses who work with those tiny people take care of them, long before this latest ... uhm, 'study' came out.


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