Friday, July 01, 2005

"Free Speech" vs "Treason"

Eight grade Civics class lesson learned long ago, never forgotten:

Every Right has a Corresponding DUTY.
My rights End where Yours Begin....

Are those my age not remembering this basic lesson?

Have those younger never learned it?

Father Corapi goes one further, but I remember having been taught this also, after hearing it from him. Sometimes the 'rights' people claim are not really rights at all, but LICENSE....

3. Departure from normal rules or procedures: freedom, liberty. See restraint/unrestraint.
4. Excessive freedom; lack of restraint: dissoluteness, dissolution, libertinism, licentiousness, profligacy. See restraint/unrestraint.

Freedom vs. License: Father Corapi: Freedom is not, "being able to do whatever you want to do." That is license. If you have license, rather than authentic freedom, your house is built on sand and will collapse. Authentic freedom is the power to do what we ought to do; the power to choose the good, the true, and the beautiful........ Freedom has to be united with truth. There is no freedom outside of the truth: No authentic human freedom outside of the truth. "If you are truely my diciples, you will abide in my word. You will know the truth, and the truth till make you free."

So when is 'freedom of speech' really license to commit treason?

I was so very angered by Dick Durbin's words that I had to postpone writing about it.

"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control. You would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime -- Pol Pot or others -- that had no concern for human beings."

I do not think Senator Durbin has any idea of history, nor of what those people he named DID to those in their 'care'. Either that, or he has been reading revisionist history!

I read of the treatment of our men in WWII in the Pacific by the Japanese, in Germany by the Nazis, and later in Korea by the North Koreans and Vietnam by the VietCong who were captured as prisoners of war (and civilians, also) and there is NO comparison or even NEAR comparison to what our men have gone through. We also do not have mass graves anywhere with hundreds of people tossed or ordered into the pits.

I have spoken to men that served in Nam and I have read biographies of some of the POWs that have returned. Senator Mc Cain is one of them.
We had at least one right here in WIS.

I remember the antics of Jane Fonda and John Kerry et all from that era, and often thought that they belonged in prison, tried and convicted of treason for what they said and did back then. I now listen to people like Durbin, Kennedy, Pelosi, and others, and think that they are giving 'aid and comfort' to the enemy more blatantly than any in the Nam times.

When does their rhetoric, their 'freedom of speech' turn into Treason? We are at war. Whether or not you agree with it, we ARE at WAR. The enemy reads what is said here, just as we do.

Close Gitmo? NO.

Give a date for withdrawal? NO.

Why not just hand them our entire plan and say ya go, guys... beat us. Take over the world.

We have a right to free speech, but that free speech ends when the lives of our men/women in the military are endangered by our words (including Churchill from Denver...) Those who are not thrilled with Bush need to learn to guard their mouths and to shut up. Voicing their unhappiness about the fact that we are at war is one thing, but some of the things that are said in the name of that 'freedom' and the places those things are said are beyond the pale. When LICENSE is used instead of freedom of speech, dangerous territory is entered into.

 n 1: a crime that undermines the offender's government [syn: high
treason, lese majesty]
2: disloyalty by virtue of subversive behavior [syn: subversiveness,
3: an act of deliberate betrayal [syn: treachery, betrayal,


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