Thursday, April 21, 2005

John Kass, Peggy Noonan and Jerry Bowyer Get It.....

Oh, I go to my email and it was LOADED with places to read! Some VERY angry people out there who really are not thrilled at the election of Benedict XVI (herein known HERE as BenXVI so I don't have to continue to correct my spelling.... grin).

HOWEVER, there are some that really do get it, and not all are CATHOLIC.

Just three for you to browse, that will raise emotions in you whether you like BenXVI or not. Those who don't, won't like what is said, I can guarantee.

Those who do will stand up and cheer and pass them on, as I am doing.

Thank you to Scott, to Leslie and to Sarah, who brought my attention to these three articles, among many.

A lead-in is given with each that can give you an idea.........

John Kass
New pope's past being wielded with ugly intent

Published April 21, 2005

While the bells in Rome were ringing, announcing a new pope to the world's Roman Catholics, there was also an ugly sound.

It was broadcast across the world, a political first strike to undercut the new leader of the Catholic Church.

Adolf Hitler was invoked, and the Nazis and the Spanish Inquisition. The images were strung together, then placed tightly about the neck of the German-born Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, to immediately delegitimize the man now known to the world as Pope Benedict XVI.

Peggy Noonan

Why They Ran

The new pope speaks to the inner adult in all of us.

Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT

There were many moving and dramatic moments in Rome two days ago, but this is the one I think I'll remember: the sight of them running.

Did you see them running to St. Peter's Square as the bells began to toll?

They came running in from the offices and streets of Rome, running in their business suits, in jeans with backpacks over their shoulders. The networks kept showing it in their wide shots as they filled time between the ringing of the bells and the balcony scene.

So many came running that by the end, by the time Benedict XVI was announced, St. Peter's and the streets leading to it were as full as they'd been two weeks ago, at the funeral of John Paul II.

Why did they run? Why did this ancient news--"We have a pope"--representing such irrelevant-seeming truths and such an archaic institution--send them running?

Why did they gather? Why did they have to hear?

Jerry Bowyer

Is the Pope Catholic?
Answer: Yes, he is. Maybe that's why the initial coverage on the New York Times web site used words like these: "Enforcer", "Hard-liner", "Crackdown", "Ultra-conservative", and "Ideologically Pure". Those are mostly headlines and leads; I didn't have the stomach to read the rest. While the Times was trashing the new leader of the Catholic Church a commentator on CNN was using words like "bruiser" and "bully", and I don't think it was a segment about WWF Wrestling. It seems that somehow the secular press had gotten itself into the position of expecting (and hoping) that the next Pope wouldn't be a Catholic. Sure, they knew he'd be a member of the RC Church, but to actually believe all that stuff! How could that happen?

Just watch the coverage today. I think it will get worse. The Church has to modernize. The Church has to give in to the sexual revolution in order to prosper in the 21st Century. We'll hear all of that and more. Pope Benedict XVI has already answered that argument, back when he was Cardinal Ratzinger. He said that mainline Protestantism is the test case for a liberalized Catholic Church. You see there already is a Catholic Church which is exactly what the modernists want it to be. It's called Episcopalianism.


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