Thursday, March 03, 2005

My response to Bishop Lynch's statement....

Bishop Lynch,

Have you ever seen Terri?
Have you ever visited her?

Terri is not "in extremis"
in extremis: In very bad circumstances; at the point of death.

in ex·tre·mis (ĭn ĕk-strē'mĭs) adv.
1. At the point of death.
2. In grave or extreme circumstances.

(in ex-tree-miss) adj. Derived from Latin and refers to confronting impending death. )

in extremis. near death.

But she soon WILL be when they stop feeding her and giving her water. This is called KILLING her, as she is NOT DYING right now.... but she WILL be, when the death order is carried out.

Bishop Lynch, do you know anything about the Lion of Munster? He could teach you a lot about euthanasia and speaking out against it, and HERE, you don't even need to worry about being killed nor imprisoned for speaking Truth.

DEFEND TERRI, and call this for what it is, please. SIN. MURDER. ADULTERY. And stand by her faithful Catholic parents who REALLY want to allow the Lord to call her home IN HIS TIME!!!

GO and SEE TERRI! She LAUGHS. She NOTICES strangers, and she interacts with her family.

PROTECT THE INNOCENT!! Terri has done nothing wrong to warrant the death penalty!

God bless and forgive you for not having protected one of the least of your sheep.



Blogger WI Catholic said...

Wow, I just got this posted and you were there? Fast! No, have not, but will check it out, and thanks. God bless!

Friday, March 4, 2005 at 12:17:00 AM CST  

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