Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Inside Story on Schiavo Case/ Steve Sailer

A Florida lawyer wrote about the real problem with Terri's case. It is interesting.

A short excerpt:

This fact is of crucial importance -- and it's one often not fully appreciated by the media, who like to focus on the drama of cases going to the big, powerful appeals courts: Once a trial court enters a judgment into the record, that judgment's findings become THE FACTS of the case, and can only be overturned if the fact finder (in this case, the judge) acted capriciously (i.e., reached a conclusion that had essentially no basis in fact).

There is more, including a response and an answer to it. The decision by Greer was set in stone at the first hearing after he made his ruling. I would like to hear what this Florida Lawyer has to say about the error made by Greer re: Karen Anne Quinlan's death which is essentially why he chose to take Michael's word with his 'witnesses' to Terri's desire not to live like this....over Terri's friend who said Terri was upset about Karen Anne and had said "Where there is life, there is hope'......

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