Monday, April 13, 2009

Oldest Jewish Immigrant From Iran

(left to right; new Iranian Jewish immigrant Manouchehr Tabari
and his 102-year-old mother Heshmat Elyasian, photo by Karmel Melamed)

I am not at all sure where I found the link to this story (think it was through Twitter) d/t the lack of availability to internet for me this past week or two. Foxfire allows me to shut down my computer with the sites I was reading saved for next time, and that is what I did. So I now have a series of things I was going to timely blog on, but couldn't.

This story is one of them, and from there, the other article that the author speaks of.

I cannot IMAGINE immigrating at 102! It would be difficult enough at my age (near her son's age). I also cannot imagine what her life was like. She must have many stories to tell, but those stories may have to be told through those around her by listening to the glimmers as she speaks, and in any pictures she may still have.

God bless!


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