Sunday, September 09, 2007

Canon Law Blog Updated-NEWS FLASH: Catholic Church expects faitfhul to follow her rules!

(Note: Jan 31, 2008, neither link works any longer. The case spoken about here was the ACES teacher fired after invitro fertilization from Xavier, a Catholic high school, after having signed a contract stating she would follow Catholic teachings which was settled out of court, I believe).

We had a WI case recently, also. I am not sure how long that story will be found online as Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, however. She does have a letter on her website about this, that I would expect to stay even if the JSOnline story goes into archives.

US Catholics (and perhaps Catholics around the world?) seem to think that we can pick and choose which teachings we are going to follow and still call ourselves 'Catholic'. From 'personally opposed but pro-choice" with detailed justification printed publically as in David Obey's case and many other politicians (including Kerry, Kennedy, and Rudy Giuliani) to serial monogamy (aka divorce/remarriage, etc) in spite of vows that professed until death.
The Church is very clear on her teachings about issues such as Abortion, Euthanasia, Cloning, In Vitro Fertilization, Artificial Birth Control, Permanency of Marriage, Same Sex Marriage, and any other issue that may come up. Yet many choose not to follow them in a 'personally' selective manner. "What does not infringe on my life style" is acceptable, while the things that DO impede our choices morally are rejected. Of course, this rejection and 'doing it my way' thinking always has a myriad of justifications/rationalizations/explanations to accompany that choice. The term "Cafeteria Catholic" was coined to explain this pick and choose method of practicing the Faith. But the old time term was.... Sinner.
Lest you think that I exclude myself... I am no different from any other human being, and also have my own justifications for things that I have (in the new terminology) 'fallen short' on in my life. That is, until I realized that Sin is Sin, and Sin needs Confession, Repentance (turning away from and being truly sorry), often times, Restitution. I am dealing with a 'habit' of mine at this very moment that I am also realizing may be more than 'habit' or 'addiction'.... it may easily fall into that sin category....but especially with my recent surgery, it is something that I have to come to grips with and quit doing. Actually, I am dealing with that by trying to work those first Three Steps: I am powerless over my smoking....I am almost there on REALLY meaning that one. Mouthing words is nothing more than "I am personally opposed, but...." When I am CONVINCED that I am truly powerless, I will take action, not platitudes. See the difference? It is in my 'head', not yet in my 'heart'. Pray for me, as Step 2 and 3 are really where the final decision rests. I can't quit, He can help me, so I will LET HIM....
When one works in a Catholic setting, one knows that Catholic setting follows the Teachings of the Catholic Church. When there is a morals clause (in any situation, or job) one needs to live up to the morals clause that one agreed to at the time of employment! Even if one does not believe that what you choose to do is wrong, if the employer lists it as being so, you are obligated to follow the moral teaching of the employer. In these cases, Catholic teaching is VERY clear. Reading Humanae Vitae would be a good way to understand the 'why'...
In the case of the man who claims to have been fired for 'not getting an annulment'... as Catholics, we KNOW that Marriage is a Sacrament, permanent, til death, and that we must be married IN THE CHURCH. If we have already spoken vows with someone, then leave, (perhaps have an affair, then leave) divorce, and attempt a second marriage outside of the Church... we KNOW that is wrong. But today it is 'accepted' and justified/explained away, and EVERYONE ELSE is expected to simply accept it as fact.
Sorry, but it is adultery. Ask Jesus. And it falls under any morals clause in a Catholic employment setting....It isn't 'not getting an anulment' that causes this man problems. It is attempting a second marriage when the first one is Valid (all are assumed Valid until PROVEN Null by the Tribunals--and I strongly recommend that the Court of Second Instance in the US be the ROTA). It is attempting that second marriage outside of the Church that puts him into dispute with the employer.
It is called Adultery. It is called Scandal. It is called... (gasp) SIN.
Catholics today really think that the Church should bow to society's whims and allow us to do what we want, when we want, the way we want instead of clearly showing us what God wants so that we can attempt to live UP to His expectations.
Christ gave us His Church to give us direction to live a holy life. He gave us Confession so that when WE FAIL, we can be lifted up and start over again.
It is a matter of Eternal Salvation, not instant gratification.
The link to the news story in the Edward Peters update does not work, in this forwarded email, nor at his website, FYI.
God bless!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Edward Peters
Date: Sep 5, 2007 10:07 AM

NEWS FLASH: Catholic Church expects faitfhul to follow her rules!

A spate of stories this summer (maybe the same few stories recycling themselves on slow news days) describes folks bringing wrongful termination actions against Catholic employers (usually schools). Today's features a man who claims he was terminated "for not getting an annulment ." I doubt it.

I don't know who said exactly what to whom (that's what courts are there to sort out), but I do know this: there is no canon law that requires people to "get an annulment", so the failure to get an annulment can't be the basis for a termination. My guess is, though, it wasn't.

Read the rest at:


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