Thursday, December 23, 2004

And a Little (Half pound) Child Shall Lead Them....

Many people have fallen for the politically correct terms of 'products of conception', and wide-spread usage of medical terms for a pre-born child that were never used prior to the 'legalization of abortion'. Terms like 'embryo' and 'fetus' were used only in science courses when I was in school and nursing school, and even several years beyond. Until, that is, they began to try to depersonalize that child in the womb, that baby that would be born after nine months of growing and changing to become a born child who would continue growing and changing from infant to toddler to preteen, to teen, to young adult, middle aged adult, and elderly adult until the day that pre-born child dies, even if 114 years old. Humans are always changing. Don't believe it? Look at photos of yourself from as recently as five years ago! Compare to ten, twenty, thirty, or more years ago, way back to infancy. Look the same in any of them? No? You have grown and changed, you see, just as do those BABIES in the womb. And you are (and were) no more of a 'parasite' than you are today.

As medical science gets better, we find more and more proof that those babies-in-the womb are truly human beings from the moment of conception. The latest?

A tiny girl, one of two tiny girls, born over three months early, weighing 8.6 ounces at birth, smaller than a human hand, and her sister, who weighed just over one pound!

They were due Christmas Day, and born Sept, 19, 2004. They were 25weeks, 6 days' gestation, out of forty weeks usual. She weighed JUST OVER A HALF POUND!!!

Many babies are aborted at that weight, at that stage of development. This child goes home.... right about the time she should have been born.... something to think about.

A precious miracle begins at CONCEPTION and continues.... until NATURAL DEATH.
Life is precious. Protect it always.

God bless


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