Friday, October 07, 2011

It is time for the Church to face up to the crisis of spousal abandonment - Hillary Towers

It is time for the Church to face up to the crisis of spousal abandonment :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

I totally agree with her. The Church lost the battle long ago when no fault divorce was not fought against, and has not been spoken of as the evil it is. Instead, 'compassion' set in, and 'easy annulments' were the results. It is to the point where people EXPECT a decree of Null when they 'apply' for one. Read Msgr Cormac Burke's site, anything by Fr Clarence Hettinger and Cardinal Egan on the subject, as well as any of the Rotal admonitions by both JPII and Benedict XVI on the subject of too many 'annulments'.... how does anyone think that the battle of SSM will ever be won IF this is not addressed in TRUTH, from the top down???

God bless!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you for posting this article. the Church does need to face up to this horrible crisis of spousal abandonment. many like my DH continue to think themselves faithful catholics even while abandoning their spouse. then they are guilty of even more sin of recieving the sacrament of eucharist unworthely.
where are the clergy admonishing them? there is silence.
Msgr Cormac Burkes site has so much good information.thank you again.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 12:09:00 AM CDT  
Blogger WI Catholic said...

I know. If you look for 'our story' here on the left side of my blog, 'The Story of Theresa and Joseph-- I think) you can see that I've been standing for a very long children were very young, now all grown, and many of the grandchildren are older than mine were when our trials began. I'm still standing, and will live my vows until death parts us, not man's civil divorce, nor even an adulterous civil marriage.

Also know all about Msgr Burke's site, and love him. Thanks for coming!! God bless!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 6:40:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bless you! I read yours and Josephs story. its only been a few years for me. at times I too struggled with the ideas that fellow so called faithful catholics around me - the move on, let him be "happy", get an annulment.
But in my heart, from the start of this I have known I cannot do this. I too know our marriage is valid/
Jesus IS very clear on this subject.
I intend to remain faithful to my vows until death, just like we promised on that wonderful happy day in 1990.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 8:55:00 PM CDT  
Blogger WI Catholic said...

God bless you. Take JPII's words with you, and keep them handy when times get rough.

But it is also proper to recognize the value of the witness of those spouses who, even when abandoned by their partner, with the strength of faith and of Christian hope have not entered a new union: These spouses too give an authentic witness to fidelity, of which the world today has a great need. For this reason they must be encouraged and helped by the pastors and the faithful of the church. ~~FAMILIARIS CONSORTIO Pope John Paul II 12/15/1981 (Sec 20)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 1:11:00 AM CDT  

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